Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Assassin's Creed

Hurrah for this game! I recently began playing it after my severe disappointment at Two Worlds, and it is totally worthwhile and enjoyable. The actual "game" part of Assassins' Creed is good and it is easy to learn the interface of the controller, but the storyline itself has thus far taken a back seat to my wanderings of the beautifully depicted streets of medieval Damascus, Acre, and Jerusalem. The simulated environment and believable artificial intelligence of this game--combined with your character's ability to almost superhumanly climb on virtually any wall or tower--has occupied most of my attention, and I have found myself spending most of my time wandering the streets, exploring the rooftops, and testing out just how much weird and violent behavior the city guards will tolerate.

My only regret thus far in playing is that my TV is too small and thus cannot display the full potential of the stunningly articulated textures and graphics of the game.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Two Worlds Sucks

So I am going to start this blog off on a negative note which will hopefully not set the tone for the rest of what is to be written. But I just have to bitch about one of the most ridiculous games that I have ever played--Two Worlds. I try to give games a fair chance, especially RPGs, a genre of games that is near and dear to my heart, but I simply couldn't get past the atrocious voice acting and the even more atrocious dialogue that filled what seemed a vast expanse of unnecessary cut scenes in Two Worlds.

Don't be fooled (like me) by the impressive appearance of screenshots that were released as eye candy to get the unsuspecting consumer to think, "Hmm. I know that people don't think too highly of the game, but I really want to play a game on my brand new Xbox360 that involves a good character editor that enables you to role-play as some hero that is uniquely your own." Unfortunately, Two Worlds does not do this--the character editor is mediocre. Along with the robotic voice acting and silly pseudo-medieval bad renaissance faire language that the game is inundated with, I was left feeling that this character I had created was just some chode that I could care less about.

Too bad there is going to be another release of the game. Apparently the SouthPeak feels that they can dupe enough customers to buy their expansion: